Unused Website Features
(Capabilities Re-introduction)
Mailing List
- 121 requested subscribers to-date
- Easily exported to Excel CSV list
- Easily imported into MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc.
- Your most receptive audience!
Events Calendar
- Empty since May 2021 (!)
- Simple, ‘At a Glance’ listing of upcoming events, meetings, trips
- Each event can link to relevant News article, photos, etc.
- Can include events of partner organizations, similar interest groups
News Articles
- Newest article is from May, 2021 (!)
- Purpose is time-sensitive Newsletter supplement
- Can include multiple photos, graphics
- Archive of past articles always available
- Possible Newsletter replacement
Facebook Integration
- Possible alternative to posting News articles on website
- (see example)
Out-of-date, unused or abandoned website features send a message to visitors that this organization may not still be active, or worthy of further consideration.